BIOL 3800 Ecology and Evolution (3)
Prerequisite: BIOL 300. Relationships of plants and animals to their environment and to each other; ecophysiology, population growth, species interactions, ecological communities, and ecosystems. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory and field work 3 hours.
BIOL 4510 Ornithology (3)
Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in BIOL 100C. Taxonomy, distribution, physiology, life history, ecology, and behavior of birds. Weekly field trips to birding locations along a transect covering all habitats from the sea to the desert. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory and field work 6 hours.
2017 Ornithology class on our weekend retreat to the Desert Studies Center, Zzyzx, California
BIOL 4740 Ecosystems of California (4)
Prerequisites: BIOL 3800; A comprehensive overview of the ecology and biodiversity of California's diverse ecosystems. The course also considers major transformations in the Earth's (i.e. Global Change) and future threats and opportunities for California's Ecosystems. Lecture 3 hrs, Laboratory 0 hrs.
Ecosystems class on a field trip to the Cabrillo Aquarium to learn about the rocky intertidal zone, beach ecosystems, and changes in the hydrology of the Los Angeles basin and it effects our nearshore environment.
BIOL 5400 Quantitative Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (3)
Prerequisites: BIOL 3000 (or equivalent Biostatistics course) and graduate-level standing. A graduate course on quantitative methods for data analysis is ecology and evolution. The format is a mixture of lectures on methodological topics and practical workshops using the R package. The course focused on linear and generalized linear models, mixed models, and multivariate analyses. Lecture 3 hrs, Laboratory 0 hrs.